Introducing the First Official Ring of Our Engagement Collection: #CreatewithESSE

Posted by Team ESSE on

It's finally here - the first official ring of our engagement collection, designed and made by you! We'd like to thank everyone who voted on Instagram and gave us their input. The entire process was an incredible journey and we couldn't have done it without your help.

Creating this ring was all about collaboration and engaging with our customers. We wanted to create something unique that spoke to each individual's style, personality, and aesthetic. To do this, we opened up a poll on Instagram where people could vote on different design options for the ring; from design choices to metal finishes, diamond shape and more.

The response was great - in just a few days we had so many votes! After analyzing the results of the poll, we had a clear picture of what our customers wanted in an engagement ring – something classic yet modern with timeless appeal. With that in mind, we set out to create a piece that would capture our customers' vision perfectly. The result was even more beautiful than we could have imagined; sophisticated yet chic; modern but timeless; designed and crafted with love by our very own team of professionals.

We are proud to announce the launch of “Create with ESSE” – a campaign that created the first official ring from our engagement collection. It is both a tribute to the power of collaboration between us and our customers as well as a reflection of their unique style and vision for what an engagement ring should be. Thank you again for being part of this journey!

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